Many thanks for looking after our baby Hayden in Hospital and he will be seeing you again around 6 weeks. A question about swaddling, Hayden really likes to be swaddled, he will be 1 month old tomorrow. How long should we continue to swaddle him? I have read about some concerns after 1 month with interfering with mobility and development? What is your advice?
There are, however, a few precautions that should be taken when swaddling your baby:
There has been a recent controversy in the news regarding the safety of swaddling. On consideration, the danger was seen to be predominantly in childcare centres where older babies were cared for in large groups, with less intense supervision than with the parents. These babies were sometimes put on their fronts to sleep, and had busy carers who may have swaddled too tightly. Also swaddling a larger, mobile baby who has never been swaddled before, was found to be at increased their risk, for the reasons outlined above.
Swaddling in the home, especially using the professional swaddlers (such as the one from Ergobaby), is a safe and very useful technique which can give you a baby, who is calmer, and sleeps longer.
It’s really down to you on when you think is most appropriate to stop swaddling. For some parents it’s when the baby starts to fight the swaddle and escape the wrap. This is when you could possibly put the baby in a swaddle grow bag. This way the baby can not escape is still wrapped and feels like home. Make sure its right for you and bubs. Other opinions are good but at the end of they day they don’t live with you and bubs.
Great advice on swaddling. The best way I have found to swaddle a baby is a nice and snug upper body, and loose lower half. Thanks for sharing your advice.
Great read Howard and solid advice. When done properly, swaddling is a fantastic tool to get babies to settle but must be also done with much care as to not cause hip problems. Cheers, Ness.
Dear Howard,
Thank you for this information, it’s great. I just purchased both of your books and you make so much sense — what a relief!! My daughter is now nearly 12 weeks old and around 7kg. She can roll from her tummy to back, but not from back to tummy just yet. She is swaddled every night and sleeps reasonably well. As she is getting near the 3 month mark, is it worthwhile trying to ‘wean’ her off being swaddled? If so, how would you suggest doing this and over what period of time? Is it worthwhile using a baby sleeping bag or are blankets in the cot ok?
Thanks so much!
Take you pick. Some use a ‘traditional swaddle’ where you allow an arm out, then later 2 arms. The sleeping bags are okay too as long as there is room for the knees to bend flex the legs up. Blankets are of course fine. Try it and see. Swaddling and rolling over is a problem only if their arms are trapped.