About Georgy

Georgy is an IBCLC and Midwife who lives in the Northern Rivers of NSW with her husband and two beautiful children.

Georgy’s Motherhood Musings [7]: 5 Things I Learned in the First 2 Years.

By |September 20th, 2017|

The first two years of your baby’s life are filled with so many lessons, most of which you can only appreciate or recognise with the gift of hindsight. So, as my daughter approaches her 3rd birthday, and my brand new son enters into his seventh week of life, I thought it would be a good time for me to reflect back on 5 things that I learned in those crazy 2 years. My hope is that it may offer some reassurance to other mothers, and also serve to remind me of a few things as I walk this road for […]

Georgy’s Motherhood Musings [5]: This too shall pass

By |September 25th, 2015|

II went through an interesting 2 weeks with Lara recently.

Nighttime just wasn’t fun. She would fall asleep, no problem, but then throughout the night she’d be unsettled, feeding almost every hour (sometimes every half hour) and fussing between feeds. She was also waking at around 1am to roll around, play with the blinds, bang her dummy against the wall and generally try and get the party started. It was exhausting. Out of 10, I would rate it about a 1 on the fun scale.

It was something of a comfort that at the same time a friend of mine was going through the exact same thing […]

Georgy’s Motherhood Musings (4): The Breastfeeding Journey

By |August 12th, 2015|

When I was pregnant, I was confident that I was going to breastfeed my baby, and looked forward to having that relationship her (or him!) However, despite my training as a midwife and growing up in a household where the subject was discussed regularly at the dinner-table, I wasn't fully prepared for what lay ahead. Now, nearly 8 months on from that first feed after she was born I can look back and reflect on 5 things that I have learnt on my journey...

Georgy’s Motherhood Musings (3). I’m actually getting enough sleep

By |June 17th, 2015|

TThere is something I need you to know: I am getting enough sleep.

Why do I feel the need to tell everyone this? In this crazy world of motherhood where you need to censor almost everything in case you make other women feel bad, am I just being smug and taking the opportunity to boast about how great a sleeper my baby is?


Georgy’s Motherhood Musings (1)

By |May 5th, 2015|

MMy name is Georgy and I was lucky enough to be blessed with two incredibly loving, amazing parents, one of whom is Dr Howard Chilton.

In December of last year my husband Rhys and I welcomed a little pink bundle into the world by the name of Lara. Since then I have been learning the ropes of motherhood by strictly following the parenting style known at “Winging It.”

Dad has asked me to share some of my thoughts here on his page in the hopes that some of his mummy followers will be able to relate. Since we all know that maternity leave […]

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