Let’s discuss the Unsettled Baby (plus Q & A)


Hosted By:
Dr Howard Chilton

11.00AM Wednesday, May 20th

1 hour


In this session we’ll discuss the unsettled baby and how to deal with the issue.

We will cover colic/wind/reflux in the younger baby and sleep and mood in the older infant.

The session is interactive so we can discuss your particular questions.

Tune in if your baby will let you!



For more than twenty years Dr Howard Chilton has been giving regular talks for new (and experienced) parents.

He is passionate about helping parents enjoy their babies through communicating real information based on evidence, not myth and the old beliefs of parenting.

It is so easy to be persuaded by family, friends or passers-by to slip down a rabbit-hole of misinformation about the needs and management of babies. Our knowledge of the optimal way to care for them develops year by year and the way has changed enormously since our own parents’ time. Not only can you bring up and more contented baby but you’ll enjoy the process more, be more relaxed, less anxious and hopefully less tired.

We’ll also be conducting regular sessions of the weekly talk that used to be held at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney.

The Complete Guide to Babies

  • The Why and the How of baby care.
  • How to avoid helpful advice
  • Why babies are, the way they are
  • How to settle them to sleep
  • “Spoiling” your baby
  • How to wire up your baby’s brain for a lifetime of happiness

The Colic / Wind / Reflux Story

  • The truth about this issue
  • How to fix it


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